When You'll Need Us

The most common reason you may need the services of an ecologist is that a building project (development proposal) has been identified as having the potential to have an impact on important or legally protected wildlife (species and habitats). In this situation an architect, planning agent or planning authority has concluded that an ecological survey and assessment is required to support a planning application. Some local planning authorities have checklists or guidance that can assist in identifying ecological requirements.

You need to be aware that some types of survey cannot be undertaken in certain seasons or weather conditions. For example some types of bat survey cannot be undertaken when bats are in hibernation over the winter months. Discuss the timetable for your project with your architect, planning agent or ecologist as soon as possible in order to take account of any constraints due to ecological survey and assessment requirements.

Why do I need an ecological survey to apply for planning permission?

You will need an ecology survey because there is legislation in place to protect certain species and habitats around the UK. A build cannot go ahead without necessary mitigation schemes in place, nor without details of how habitat destruction will be avoided, reduced or mitigated. Failure to consider biodiversity impact can result in legal implications, including heavy fines and prison sentences. What's more, failure to address certain aspects as laid out in planning permission applications can result in your development plan being refused straight away.

What can ecological surveyors do?

An ecology surveyor will be able to conduct desk and field surveys to identify the existence of, or potential presence of, a protected species or habitat. Their findings can be presented in a report which will cover:

A detailed ecological report will be written at the end of the process, to be provided to planning authorities once all surveys have been completed.

What is an ecological report?

An ecological report is a final document presented by licensed ecologists where they provide insight on their findings based on the surveys completed on site. Ecology reports cover every aspect of ecological impact and can provide mitigation strategies that can then be presented to local planning authorities.

See What Ecological Services We Provide!